Author: Juan Carlos

Lo nuevo en el Re-instalable 4 de Aspel-NOI 7.0

Lo nuevo en el Re-instalable 4 de Aspel-NOI 7.0 En este número de Enlace Aspel, se describen las mejoras que se realizaron al Sistema Aspel-NOI 7.0 con el re-instalable No.4, la forma en la que...

How to: Reload your NginX Configuration

How to: Reload your NginX Configuration Sometimes when working with NginX you come across the need to reload your configuration for the changes made to your .conf files take place. Although this is a...

Resolve: Nginx – 413 Request Entity Too Large

Resolve: Nginx – 413 Request Entity Too Large When working with WordPress you might come across a message that indicates HTTP Error when uploading any media to your site. Obviously there are tons of...

Does Jetpack’s Photon damage Image SEO?

Does JetPack’s Photon damage Image SEO? Thus far I haven’t been able to find concrete proof of this but it probably does have an impact. Why is that? Because the URL being served is...

How to: Configure NAXSI with NginX

How to: Configure NAXSI with NginX As part of a series of articles regarding NginX, today I will cover how to configure NAXSI with NginX. Currently there is a distribution of NginX that comes...