How to: Move folder replicas to another public folder database

How to: Move folder replicas to another public folder database

Another common error to run across when uninstalling Exchange 2010 is the following:

Error: Uninstall cannot continue. Database ‘Public Folder Database 1587193804’: The public folder database “Public Folder Database 1587193804” contains folder replicas. Before deleting the public folder database, remove the folders or move the replicas to another public folder database. For detailed instructions about how to remove a public folder database, see Click here for help…

I recommend reading the Microsoft site as it is full of information and details. In my case I just wanted to move those public folders to my new Exchange Server so it was too much so here is the summary:

You can use scripts to move public folders to a different database or server. The collection of Shell scripts described in this topic is installed, by default, at <Exchange Installation Path>v14 ServerScripts. ”

C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14Scripts

Use the MoveAllReplicas.ps1 script to move all public folder content from one server to another server


You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the “Public folders” entry in the Mailbox Permissions topic.

To move all public folders in a public folder database on one server to a public folder database on another server, use the MoveAllReplicas.ps1 script. This script replaces a server with a new server in the replication list for all public folders, including system folders. For more information about using public folder scripts, see Scripts for Managing Public Folders in the Exchange Management Shell.

This example moves all public folder content from Server01 to Server02.

.MoveAllReplicas.ps1 -Server Server01 -NewServer Server02
Use the ReplaceReplicaOnPFRecursive.ps1 script to move replicas in a public folder subtree to another server

You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the “Public folders” entry in the Mailbox Permissions topic.

To move all the replicas of a public folder subtree from one server to another server, use the ReplaceReplicaOnPFRecursive.ps1 script. This script adds a new server to the replication list for a public folder and all the folders within that hierarchy. If the server is already listed in the replication list for a folder, nothing is changed for that folder. For more information about using public folder scripts, see Scripts for Managing Public Folders in the Exchange Management Shell.

This example moves the public folder replica Legal and all the folders within that hierarchy from Server01 to Server02.

.ReplaceReplicaOnPFRecursive.ps1 -TopPublicFolder “Legal” -ServerToAdd Server02 -ServerToRemove Server0
Of course there is the easier way to just use the “Public Folder Management Console” found under the Toolbox in your Exchange Management Console UI, lol.
On a side note: I did perform all the above and ended up with a replica on my new server but I was never able to get rid of my old public db. I ended up deleting the public folder so I could remove the database but because of the replica it did the same to my new server. I restored the public folder on the new server but figuring that took a good hour so be careful.
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