Knowledge eXchange Blog

Microsoft’s DHCP Failover

Microsoft‘s DHCP Failover One of the new cool features in Windows Server is DHCP Failover. Think of it as a way to replicate your DHCP across two servers in order to provide failover or...

WordPress MultiSite: Remove render-blocking JavaScript: http://[parent-domain]/?dm=[random-string]&action=load&blogid=[Blog-Numer]&siteid=1&t=[A-Time?]&back=[source-page]

WordPress MultiSite: Remove render-blocking JavaScript: script src=’http://[parent-domain]/?dm=[random-string]&action=load&blogid=[Blog-Numer]&siteid=1&t=[A-Time?]&back=[source-page] type=’text/javascript’ So this is the latest in the “I want to improve my Google´s PageSpeed” saga. I was running Google’s PageSpeed to determine what fixes I need...