Most commonly used Regex expressions
Field | Expression | Format Samples | Description |
Name | ^[a-zA-Z”-‘s]{1,40}$ | John Doe O’Dell |
Validates a name. Allows up to 40 uppercase and lowercase characters and a few special characters that are common to some names. You can modify this list. |
Social Security Number | ^d{3}-d{2}-d{4}$ | 111-11-1111 | Validates the format, type, and length of the supplied input field. The input must consist of 3 numeric characters followed by a dash, then 2 numeric characters followed by a dash, and then 4 numeric characters. |
Phone Number | ^[01]?[- .]?(([2-9]d{2})|[2-9]d{2})[- .]?d{3}[- .]?d{4}$ | (425) 555-0123 425-555-0123 425 555 0123 1-425-555-0123 |
Validates a U.S. phone number. It must consist of 3 numeric characters, optionally enclosed in parentheses, followed by a set of 3 numeric characters and then a set of 4 numeric characters. |
^(?(“”)(“”.+?””@)|(([0-9a-zA-Z]((.(?!.))|[-!#$%&’*+/=?^`{}|~w])*)(?<=[0-9a-zA-Z])@))(?([)([(d{1,3}.){3}d{1,3}])|(([0-9a-zA-Z][-w]*[0-9a-zA-Z].)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}))$ | | Validates an e-mail address. | |
URL | ^(ht|f)tp(s?)://[0-9a-zA-Z]([-.w]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*(:(0-9)*)*(/?)([a-zA-Z0-9-.?,’/+&%$#_]*)?$ | | Validates a URL |
ZIP Code | ^(d{5}-d{4}|d{5}|d{9})$|^([a-zA-Z]d[a-zA-Z] d[a-zA-Z]d)$ | 12345 | Validates a U.S. ZIP Code. The code must consist of 5 or 9 numeric characters. |
Password | (?!^[0-9]*$)(?!^[a-zA-Z]*$)^([a-zA-Z0-9]{8,10})$ | Validates a strong password. It must be between 8 and 10 characters, contain at least one digit and one alphabetic character, and must not contain special characters. | |
Non- negative integer | ^d+$ | 0 986 |
Validates that the field contains an integer greater than zero. |
Currency (non- negative) | ^d+(.dd)?$ | 1.00 | Validates a positive currency amount. If there is a decimal point, it requires 2 numeric characters after the decimal point. For example, 3.00 is valid but 3.1 is not. |
Currency (positive or negative) | ^(-)?d+(.dd)?$ | 1.20 | Validates for a positive or negative currency amount. If there is a decimal point, it requires 2 numeric characters after the decimal point. |
Can we use Let's Encrypt, the free and open certificate authority?
Hola! gracias por la info, me sirvió el comando sacandole el nombre del server. En mi caso, fue una migración…
Yes 3rd option helped me too. I removed the WC key Values from config file then started working.
I know this is from 2014. But really, thank you!