How to: Identify which application is listening or opening a specific port on Windows
- Open Command Prompt window by typing Cmd in Run command box or Start Search, and hit Enter.
- Type in the following netstat command:
netstat -o -n -a | findstr :80
netstat -aon | findstr :443
Where the text after findstr is the text you want to find in the list of netstat. For example, in the first one you´ll find who has the port 80 open while on the second one you´ll find who is listening on port 443.
Can we use Let's Encrypt, the free and open certificate authority?
Hola! gracias por la info, me sirvió el comando sacandole el nombre del server. En mi caso, fue una migración…
Yes 3rd option helped me too. I removed the WC key Values from config file then started working.
I know this is from 2014. But really, thank you!