Custom 404 pages – How to write one for Community Server 2008

So I've been working on a couple of sites using CS and I decided to customize the 404 page as the default one doesn't help people who are visiting your site very much. I decided to use something simple and easy to implement so here are the details. Any other methods, suggestions or more appealing custom 404 pages are welcomed. 



  1. Create a site article for your 404 page (Dashboard » Administration » Site Administration » Manage Articles)
  2. Use a page name like 404page and a descriptive title that indicates it is a 404 page error. You can take a look at my own 404 page to see how it looks. 
  3. Include the following code:
    1. <p>We apologize, but we are unable to find the page you are looking for. </p>
      <p>Please try using our site search located on the right side to find the content you are looking for or see other suggestions below.&nbsp;</p>
      <script type="text/javascript"><!–
      var GOOG_FIXURL_LANG = 'en';
      var GOOG_FIXURL_SITE = '';
      // –></script>
      <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
  4. Don't forget to set your URL Site to your own one so that Google can better suggest results for you and search your site


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